Investment Myths That Could Prevent Your Financial Freedom

When many people hear the word “investing”, they think of middle aged investors in business suits playing God with money of other middle aged people. Sometimes the investments work out, and sometimes they don’t – and when they don’t, it’s devastating.

This perception of investing is not only completely wrong, but it’s completely off-putting for people who could actually benefit from investing their money, and haven’t.

Investment Myths That Could Prevent Your Financial Freedom

Let’s clear up some misconceptions by debunking common investment myths.

1) You have to be wealthy to invest.

Nothing could be further from the truth – though it’s understandable how throwing around terms like “wealth management” could confuse people. The truth is if you have a penny to your name, you can invest it. And if you invest your trust in reputable advice, you’ll see serious returns.

2) You should wait until you’re older to invest.

Here’s a pretty persistent myth that can really impact your ability to have the financial freedom you desire. Even if you’re a student with student debt, you can still invest. In fact, depending on how you invest, it could pay off your debt for you – or at least ease your mind about the future.

It’s important to start thinking about the future as soon as possible. If you wait until you’re in a rock-steady financial situation to start investing, you probably won’t be starting until a few years before you should be retiring, and by then, it’s too late. Pay off your debt, yes, but also start saving through your investments early on.

3) Investing is risky.

Investing can be risky (especially if you’re taking advice from the guy who spends his days brooding in the local pub) but it doesn’t have to be. It all depends on how you invest, and what you invest in. Savings accounts, money market funds and certificates of deposits are all super safe investments.

4) All advisors are the same.

Not in the least. Aside from the fact that you have to have a solid connection with the person managing your hard-earned cash, you also have to keep in mind that there are different types of investment advisors. There’s the advisors, brokers, financial planners and financial consultants, and though they all provide what boils down to the same service, they are held to different standards – both legally and in terms of their own expectations.

Before you choose who you trust with your hard earned money, it’s important to know how to find the right investor for you, and your needs.

5) Investing is complicated.

Investing can be complicated, but you don’t actually need an advisor to get started in the most common forms of investments, like buying a home or starting a retirement savings plan. If you want to venture into the murkier waters of investing, then that’s when you’d want to consult a professional.

The most important thing to remember when you’re investing is that you have to be comfortable with your financial commitment. The rest, as they say, is gravy.

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