Mesmerizing Beaches Near Bangalore You Must Visit

An IT sector, a cultural hub, a diverse city, these are all some of the synonyms that Bangalore can be recognised with. Even though the city has become highly populous, it still has that old natural charm that made it the city in demand. But as the tensions rise there is a need of going to places that could soothe your nerves. Even if you work in Bangalore or are you going to there, here is a list of top class beaches that you must visit on your next trip. Just book your Ahmedabad to Bangalore flights to travel to the city and have a fun filled time.

Gokarna Beach: Literally meaning cow’s ears, as per mythology, Lord Shiva showed up from a cow’s ears after he was sent to PatalLok by Lord Brahma. It is also believed that the town is situated at the conversion of two streams Aghanashini and Gangavali, and the spot where the waterways meet structures a shape that is like the ear of a cow, consequently the name Gokarna. Gokarna was under the tenet of the Kadambas, Vijayanagar lords and was later vanquished by the Portuguese. Aside from being a religious town, Gokarna is additionally known for its beaches. There are numerous wonderful beaches found near to, which have little shacks serving as convenience alongside numerous little shops and present day restaurants.

Gokarna Beach

Karwar Beach: The place got its name from the adjacent town of Kadwad. Kade implies last and wado implies zone. Before Indian freedom, the name Karwar was spelt Carwar. This is an antiquated city significantly utilized for the ocean exchange, went to by the Portuguese, French, Arabs, Dutch,and later the British. Amid the eighteenth century, this city was a piece of the Maratha Empire and turned into a British domain after the thrashing of the Marathas in the third Anglo-Maratha War. It was a part of the Bombay Presidency until 1950. Karwar’s peaceful vibes had enlivened the renowned artist Rabindranath Tagore and he has committed a part of his life story to this town.

Murudeshwar Beach: One of the best destinations for journey in Karnataka it is also a mainstream beach resort. The Murudeshwar town was before known as ‘Murudeshwara’. It was later renamed as Murudeshwar after the development of the sanctuary. Murudeshwara is celebrated habitation Lord Shiva and a famous journey center in South India. As indicated by the legend, Ravana brought the AtmaLinga from Mount Kailash. Master Ganesha utilizing his trap tricked Ravana on his approach to Lanka and put down the Linga on the ground at Gokarna. Rankled by this, Ravana attempted to remove and annihilate the Linga. The broken bits of the lingam were thrown away.

Karwar Beach

Devbagh Beach: It is amongst the most delightful and enchanting beaches in India This is an extraordinary island beach that faces the powerful Arabian Sea on one side and the thick Western Ghats on the other side. It is known for its perpetual stretch of brilliant sand, the blue waters of the Arabian Sea and the line of casuarina trees which dab the beach. This is the spot where the famous writer Sri Rabindranath Tagore had gone to and lost in the picturesque excellence of the nature route in 1916. Devbagh Beach is not just renowned for the cool wind and the brilliant sands, but at the same time is acclaimed for the water games and fun. These exercises are offered by Devbagh beach resorts situated close to the beach.

With so many mesmerizing beaches situated close to Bangalore who needs a ‘Goa’ when they have a ‘Gokarna’. Just book your tickets on Ahmedabad to Bangalore flights and come here to get inspired by the nature.

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